Posts Tagged ‘hiking’

For our annual camping trip, we returned to Killbear Provincial Park.  I felt there was more to discover here, I felt the need to go back.  I find it can be challenging to shoot new and interesting photos when returning to the same place, and although the adventure is always different, it’s so easy to fall back into the habitual shots of trees, sky and water.  So I took a closer look, I took a step back and breathed in the fresh air, and really thought about how to capture the beauty of Ontario.

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Posted: December 4, 2009 in TRAVEL PHOTOS
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Whenever I visit my parents in Ottawa, I look forward to a nice, quiet weekend away from the city.  I’ve always been lucky with the weather, allowing for gorgeous hikes in Gateneau and long bike rides following the Ottawa River.  I love going for a run along the canal or wandering through the market.  Ottawa is a really nice city, and I got some great shots.